Kim Gun-hak and Baek Da-jung, remaking a home (One more happy ending)

There once was a rich man, who fell in love with a beautiful girl who was part of a K-pop girl group called “Angels”.
They got married and lived happily ever after… if only.
Baek Da-jung, the beautiful wife wants to have a baby but sadly, her attempts to conceive fail.
The husband, Kim Gun-hak tells her that there is no hurry, that it’s alright but as time passes and nothing happens, she feel like she is a disappointment to her husband and their families and grows distant from her understanding and loving husband.
Five years pass and at last, after treatments, a baby boy is born but the problems don’t end there as Gun-hak is being banished from the couple’s bed room and resides in his own room.
After seven years, he doesn’t feel like a man anymore and thinks that divorce is the right solution to the marital problems.
I must say that throughout the series, it’s not completely clear why Da-jung has decided to distance herself from her husband.
In the hospital, after her operation, she says that she doesn’t feel like a woman and that’s why she haven’t told Gun-hak about the operation.
Perhaps her conceiving problems made her feel like she is not a woman and was afraid that her husband will leave her, despite his support and that’s why she grow distant?
After Tae-yong was born, she might have felt like she and Gun-hak are already too far apart to try and patch things up or perhaps, after all this effort to have a kid, she invested all the she had in her child and didn’t have any energy left to deal with her husband?
Judging by the images of her, sitting all alone and crying on the bathroom floor, it looks like she was depressed.
We can see the pain that Da-jung has to go through to have their son and perhaps Gun-hak was happy just to be with her, not understanding what she was really going through, being patient and loving, when she was feeling like she was a disappointment to him and to their families.
Da-jung agrees to a divorce only after she discovers that she has breast cancer and the only thing that she wants is the apartment where they live in.
Since she doesn’t tell Gun-hak anything about her illness and her operation, his reaction to her request that he would leave the apartment while she is away (supposedly on a trip) is not influence by anything but love for her.
He doesn’t want to leave but he doesn’t know how to get close to her again.
When he finds out that Da-jung is sick, he goes to the hospital but for some reason, he doesn’t go into her room but walks around the hospital.
The doctor tells him that he has to find out what makes his wife happy and he doesn’t know how to go about it.
When Da-jung comes back home from the hospital, after recovering from her operation, she find the house full of flowers and he husband waiting for her.
Gun-hak confesses his desire to try and patch things up but Da-jung thinks that he just pities her.
Although not being able to define his feelings, Gun-hak says that he can’t leave asks for some time to try and save their marriage and signs the two of them into a marriage camp, where they have to exercise being a loving couple again.
This is where the amusing part begins since the instructor seems to be a bit mental but they get to know each other again and return to the point where they want each other.
All through their relationship, Gun-hak was very patient with his wife, he is willing to give her time and sleep in a different bedroom, he is willing to suffer but when he feels like there is not hope anymore, he begins to mention a divorce.
There is something admirable about this character who suffers in silence, who despite having been denied a normal home and sex life for seven years, is not resorting to having affairs and even when given the chance to get out, is not ready to go without trying one last time.
Of all of the couples in the series, this is the one that is portrayed in the most convincing and realistic light.
Da-jung injecting herself with hormones, falling apart all alone, unwilling to share her pain with Gu-hyuk and him, trying to be loving and supportive while his wife is shutting him out of her life.
Because they are so easy to relate to, it’s also a real joy to see them returning to the honeymoon phase of their relationship, with Gun-huk being a bit seductive, Da-jung being shy and afraid of what he will think of the way her body looks after her operation and both of them being all giggly and a embarrassed when their son walks by, as if they were not an old married couple but two teenagers.
So sweet and relatable.
I felt like they should have been the lead characters in this series, instead of unstable Han Mi-mo and her Song Soo-hyuk in shining armor.
Apart from that, these are two great actors.

The song is not from the series or indeed, from any series.
This is a song of Lee Hi’s, written by Jonghyun and called “Breathe”.
Since this couple is not the main one or the second one and occupies only a small part of the plot, they don’t have a theme song or any set music, playing when they interact but since this song talks about accepting and supporting your loved one in his/her time of need, I think that it fits.
(Hopefully, fans of Lee Hi and Jonghyun who search for them and then surf over here, will not kill me πŸ˜€ . I’m just using the song, these two are not taking part in this series).

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